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311 Dashboard - UI/UX Project

Volunteer team project through Code for Philly's City as a Service Hackathon - #CaaSH and winner of the "Hello World' award for Best Civic Tech Initiative From a Team First Participating in a Hackathon at the CaaSH Demo Night.  - Article about our award. We're Team 4 - Hackadashery.

We are designing and developing a new dashboard for looking up Philadelphia 311 service request tickets. I am part of the UI/UX team as well as overseeing data visualization. Our goal is to simplify the ticket look-up process while also providing the user with additional relevant information about what is happening in their community. 

We are still in development and we hope that, if successful, our project will be adapted by the city of Philadelphia. 

An early sketch of the dashboard. The website has users enter the ticket number and view the results at the bottom of a sidebar. Out concept has the user enter the ticket number right on a map showing 311 information. 

One change we made after reviewing this sketch was to have the sliding ticket information bar appear on the left - under the ticker number search bar - instead of the right where it would be on the opposite side of the search bar. 

Wireframes of the current design, showing how the ticket information would present on the left once entered while simultaneously being highlighted on the map.

These wireframes also show our ideas for tabs on the dashboard which would include the map, a chart to look up trends and a 311 spotlight section. 

Model of the chart to appear on the chart tab. This chart allows users to see trends based upon type of request and status over a period of time of their choosing.

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